The Southport Visiter from Southport, Merseyside, England (2025)

Vitincro. ARRIVALS SINCE MON DAY. The complete List of Visiters is pu Tmesdays. NEW, PROM ENA it. con Mrs Baltron, lamthera Mr J.

It. Bob" do pu, pa T. PRO3IENADIt. Nap Mar Waifs Foram 148 thisby, do J. B.

Est de Jiro Yale Jiro Mn Lyda. Lmorpool Slookburs, tot do NUkbSfll 4r. 01141, fi.Vl'll-ST. Mr. liTper 404 who hi; 11.44.10-)l*.ro )116, Woontostor, Modikelidd Ike illsibr tin, loittonk Oldiem Wiatt.ton, Ms Hahne, do birs Coelho', do Mr.

Compton, do lir Homer, do Kiti Tvii, i. 6 Mr luta Mrs J. Wolisr, Hu4dois4ad 66 rs Tiespon Rev. Fenuot Sob, thlodity Mrs Fenton Smite and family, do Mrs E. do Mrs Grow, Uriorod.

gin VIC I ORI A -ST. Ittiskaptri EinT'le: Mrs Mrs 31 ssUAL Lodge, 8 wombs 110,, tiTON -ST. Mrs Mies CSoulheire Mrs ibleriey and 014 Owing LI. lineup Xotnt. Mrs (La foneuhal) D.

Ilisekbees ggAKANK-tioAD SflllitS Evil. Ward tirorge Mettler, Leadota Ike Wilma. Oldham Ma. or Teeedale, do Mr. and Moe Fletcher, Liverpool The Mires and Master Fletcher, do Mrs Me awl Leidy, Olobam Mee Ft, LK ET ti-ST.

79 Mrs Isstisid 31 is airsist Leeds )1, usd the Elloson, sinadoxil Mr H. do AY Ardwick Villa. 144 ri IVele Mr 'n Niro I frau Male, Ardirlek Marxist-Ka Mr an', Mr. Jour. Liverpool Ma.tir end inure, do Mr nay, our Leeds Mr.

nod Muter letlow, do EST-STR MET. Victoria cottage. w. B. Mr and Mrs Walsh'', Pontefract Mr and Mrs John I utman.

Rootlet Mr and Mrs Edwin Jlvll 11.u.clester Miss ()kelt, do Mrs and Master Cbeetbara. do Albert Cottage. Toplif Us Whitworth Matiohebtri kw; Livw Mr Jobs Glllnpie, ors Mr J. Glam. Prestwich Mr.

Brae, Muichester lILE SOUP OF THE TROPICS THE IMPERIAL CROCOLATR As PUILIPARILIO N. MIXER NonsopeddeCtwalits, NANCHLsria sad LONDON. Ii soil 1 lb.peeket•—tspielb. OTUOUSZ BUILDING TOM: WEESTEC, general Hortlesttoral Builder, Wis, crone. near Liverpcol.

Conservatories, Vineries, Forving. tlrchard, and Plant Houses of every description. combining the moat modern improvements at the loweg poraible prices. permitted to the nobility and gutitiy throughout Great Britain. Protected by aild Her Hoye' Letters Patent.

'FURS'S Aperient, or ANTIBILIOUS YILLS, allowed to 1.. the best melicine for diseases ai tiao brain and Jiver, affectmos 4 heart, leap, asthma. kidneys, stomach, indigestion, loaner, of spirits. and niaiiitainikg sound and vigorous Wahl' Li old ans. in boars at le.

1 arri b. 91. each. JONLiS TIC.DOLOIts.I.:X PILLS, Lawn tabooed and cared thousands of that distressing pain la (ass, teeth, and gaga. Sold to hoses, at Is tit sad b.

91. each. pistons! OXUIM. at MOM: HOUND fee toughs, colds, bnopiog cough. Inllnenso, diebsolt7 of lo sathi I ie.

sonaess of timeliest, Various's. valour, I I tootles, at god ts. ad. sock JAMES JOSIII. PIiI.4I:IIACKINICALC•INIR, (late Ausistosit to tho Ituyal 11441 141.

ULF. 0111). Notics, Nano, mad Dit RIDGE'S rATENT FOOD 1011 INFANTS AND INVALIDS. recoanneeded by the Faculty, en.ked Farivarome Food, or anerldshm and dlgeeltde than any other, and can be reedy dor um, withnot 'rouble. In minutes.

Prevents oddity and by all rbunies. I. canisters, 441., and 2.. dd. eI.

Manufactory, MoraMertnena, Agent for Southport, Mr. Chernig hapoetaat Notioe. JOHN HALL, late of Praana, bee Ramey, I 1.11 to the Hotasto 5, Itemelt-etn Lbsrpool, where he may be eonsaltel day or through the pont. Apot Mrs. Davin, Draper, 11.

Caapel-strest. bee Treatise on Con seammtue, Nee It OBINMIN'S PATENT 001111 bULVENT anpenvdte Plasters and all ether (or 'Mow and effectual removal of Canes sad Karts. It pluistraima the reolheols. vitality, seams them Mahan off, and leaves the surreal of tles eltue perfestly healthy. by all Chemosta.

is Settles. at or 130.. free by pest for It or It etauipa B. Robertson, Chemist, Praptswi, 1 Or MlSCllrster. astinamhil Ur i Illakaaides i tar 4.

aid 111.41: et beam WWII tip she sesio. they hags no.1••••411 Taaitall sad frees the Ilene, 111. LM 1 Testimosti hoe W. Wallattool. After tryileg hundro.44 1 1.4• kWh Alkotralls over 07 nrila.

TWINY. 600 II 0011 i bows Jl4 CORX gybe swo4 SA Cora Usas 4a mO4W um tor thiny Pewee. W. WELLINUTON. Agents is Seethpert, ify kis, Uarside, Waker.

3-li riaN liverton, Aug. Termer .411 Timm is as slash. Ma rear mhos af i Thawarisad Ewa Woo. I had a pry led ars threlg mad einvii, and before I 'Sloshed ens bolo WM hly A pantealar friend of aloe 4r644 la al Ow tio.e, wkA the saute happy Boroley, liar. My wife ItsJ a 14 y.

hrr-re year Illos could searevii .44 sclera Ow pew, thank God, she a4n do her wreck friesniellopst aast .414 ell.7—•' X4Redawaser. Jaa. piti.4 rAs km taw 444 .40,04 'Yr" is trot la brio 1. (aNNEN ANN es 84 (44riN rot: Nudism, IleursoN, saw. Rasesesk' and Abraham, 344.4 en 4 Mika, a fermi, SilOed, Hogyr wt.

Mamas, Leak Badly. 8114141.1; Maim .1, elomael-, Barsky and Sons. Rairnes Co. buss, sad reopootaNs will prom is lON nENSON'S and skeleton lever I beset watches being mad, by tbe best workmen in tinitterland, and essmined by skilled artists here, are recoainseaciod tor mad good mad 34, Ludgatebili. WATCHES rot nobly decorsted awl dials, by eelebnited artists.

ti.r.son:a: 14.1 Zit) 1016, Ali I3s nd £l5 154., re illy brauturel 33 aud 34, Ludgate-bib. Estab ished 1:49. it ESSON'S Lady's gold horizontal watch. ouch admired lot Ira elciant appraraner. ocrelerzbir.

and keeping good tient. A thoeiznil can be 'elated mut 344 LudAsze hill. Ertahliahrd 171 n. nENSON'S WATCHES horlsosta; mnartnentr, Ike coutriet flat watch. in double-bittaised 'elver cams, adapted for al, wsirranted.

Open (see. £2 Its, 61; bustlers. Li and 34, Littigate-hill, Lemke. nENSOWB flumbed. aiovement, jewelled la 4 and 8 Wes.

pea Cans, IP 4L, and LA Al; haat 14,41 14L, and Is Zi atbtra and at Ludgata-hill. rgE24nOWS lever samemeets, highly finished, jeselled, gold alma Op-n inc. Lc £lO 10s. sad £l2 12s; hunters, 11 i Ins 412 12... and £l4 sad 34, Ludgate-11111, London.

Estaldished 17411. RE7intrN'S move. meats; jewelled; a scianJ, serviceable womb. Silver elven open-laced. £4 4e, 41 In, earl £4 hunters, £4 cm, SS 135..

and £6 and 34. Ludgate-bill, Leedom. 1749. ViATClilgs are sent free and bare by post, in answer to remittances, to all parts or England, Scotland. IreLiod.

Wake; bat if mot to 4.4 or Ilia Colonies, is charged far and 34. Lortgate-bill, London. 1.49. RENsON'S WATCHES AND watch or clack sold by J. W.

Neer" beim( examined by skilled workmen. Is warreated to be be sound eondution end rood smog order before Irian the sod SE Loxigate-bill. comp, raw iorroom, dining room, library, 1.4r00m, ball. staircase, carriage, obelatuis, clume, oigbt, astrouosurcal, regulator, shop, warebou.e, uescs, 33 and 34, Lodgale-10, Loudon. ENSON'S CLOCKS for the arawoo: -room.

from by the eroMeht Loureut, 161d0 Pilon. Prather, Wo-n, butnaterr. Comolern, Feint, Carpellt. Booed, Ogi. Aube' Moreau, Nod st, RIENSON's CLOCKS.

Drawing-room cloaks, viably gilt in every variny at sisals sad sad anismatial with las enamels from tis in. podia maashisteriss frost £2OO to £2 2c-31 mai 14. UNlpse4lll, Late's. Lk ENSOWS CLOCKS kw the dining. room, is me" shape, idyls, mad variety of copper, invention, A thousand can be from, from NO plums to 2 aad 14, Ludgate-biS, Leedom CLUCKS.

iuuungst which will be Med rare marbles a( Wank, ruuge unique. d'Ecypte, ronge seri, malachite, white, rook ssrpei.cine, Itrucatelle. porphyry, green, griutte, alaha.ter, lapis hush. Alton Mb onyx, Califuraim ENSON'S CLOCKS in Algerian sem 'dark frern the translucent Lessty of its isessle OMAN wt, so much admired hub. Exhibitioner UP, 4 eon 50 ohms to 5 guiseak-1111 soll 14, itsttlest.

Established 17411. ESSON'S CLOCKS are made In every variety of 04k, maple, mebnirany. ta nn. row sad nuroeront 111,., and stu every ellapa. awl pattern.

Frrtin £2O 10 et It ant 34, La lane? Itroult ror ow. Ormskirk and Sonthyort AGRICULTURAL 1 frillE ANNUAL will be lishi et onmqmsx, ion EDS ttsDAT, the 9th 1 missives? FOS INS Mai: SIR THOMAS HEORCE HESKETH, But, MX. 1 c.or "Unita or MAbAfiallaTT: Mr hums lir f. Atherton Mr flumes Miter Mr Richard Illimikil Mr James Birch Mr .1. 0.

Weaver Mr Thalia Bell Mr E. W. Stocker Mr .1.4 Fairhurst Mr J. B. Halley Mr William Shows Mr time.

Weals Mr J. B. Welthew Mr C. Richmond Mr Jobs Gregson Mr James Bryers Mr Charles Mr W. Robson Mr Jobs Ball, Banks Sir John Halms Mr T.

Stretch Mr T. Blundell 112 )L Brown Mr T. Saphemon Mr T. Williamson Mr James Mr T. Barron HalairlgiNews meshed: A a d.

Right Hai ESSI at Derby, Knowsley lt) 0 0 Mr Robert Mastbsill Mr J. Banks, Liverpool 0 lit 0 Mr J. Banat, Liverpool (donation) Mr James Robinsoe, Maecliesum Mr James Robinson. Manebeutor (arrears) 1 II 1.1 Mr Thomas Bell. 1 0 4 Par, Loy Orimit.rh 1 1 0 Mr Jain Pilkington.

0 10 0 Itireb, 1 1 0 Mr J. B. Wahbew, Amebae Mr William Trier, I 10 Mrs Willman T)rer, Mr It C. Weluby. Sefton Mr Thomas a Mr Thema Maeda'''.

Mrs Themes Birch, Betbertoo Ralph Jemp. Lag. 1. verpool Mr William Pilitinwon, Aughton Mr H. Faireloogh, Altair-- 1 Mr Cook, Lemberg Mr Roberts, 1.., diem Captain li'sltbew, Anglers, (sponial) C.

Ciotti. r.sq Aimless 0 Mr James Berry. Salon 1 Mr John Birch, Orrel 0 Mr H. Mr Thanes Williamsou. Lamm 0 Mr Charles kylanor.

0 J. Duff, E.g., Aoghton 0 P. Duff, Abgbhas (vocal) 0 f. Harrison, hoi 11l 6 Sir Thomas Atherton. 0 J.

60 Hoyle, 11 Mr Abbault. Liver pool Sir Thous' E.lwitods, 1 Mr John Iludue. Melling li. Irelaul. Lig.

1 Sir T. LlJeloon.i.Lyiliale 1 O. Williams. Esq. Attghum roans.

iltrnuoti, Erg Mattrall Mr Thomas L. -taster, llt John Anglian Baum Uremia Banking IMr William 1.1.:. Onetkek Caruin Young, Ornaltirk IMr 'homes WOlSSaaltolive, Oresitirk 1 Mr Orem Lilley, Bockerstage 1 Mr 'initial 10 6na11, 0, imkirk 1 I Mr Mitameigh. Borsoosith 0 IMr R. ben Bleckbere.

Parnild 1 6 iSi' Henry Owes, Dowebolland I 6 Mr John Watkleeon.Oneshirk I 6 11 B. bat. Orlaskirk I ll Robert Werereg. Leh 1 0 Mr J. T.

Marrow. Lathan 1 0 Mr Orierie Peet. thaseluit 0 0 Mr haw Mawdeley, Omahas! le 6 Mr J. R. Lambert, I truautirt 10 I Mr Jones Briers.

Ornisiairk 2 Mr Thmies itrchlol, Mr Thomas Rimaier.jeu Mrs Baldwin. Bickersuaffe is 6 llir limbottsen, Bieterstaffe Mr Rkbard Seib, Breitermare 0 10 6 Hr I. Leatherbarmw, Liverpool. In 6 Mr Robert Staieton. Manned SI Jem.

nt bar-tab. Ornialurk )Ir Stretch. Ormakirt (spatial) Mr John Wright, Tuition Mr liknaril Mandell. Blowfish. 1 I 0 Mr T.

trri-on, Il in 1 i RS. ELLISS begs leave to Ist rrii the Indies Mr J. 0.k.00 10 ..11. and Ittihne saithpurt and the neiehbeer- J. Hartle).

Esq. Malta' Mr R. Cherry. Preston Mr Jobs Ball, Maghull 1 11 I Lilies tor Lea St ill SW S. C.lll 14 VS4OII Mr James IL refl.

seftoa llrs Holcroit I 1 0 orders assil Lc as tbc pmabir maw. Mr Jams erry. Burvouanb 1 1 0 Mrs. E. wishes to reemousend her coOtrelv New Joseph Biudton, bat.

Livrprol 1 1 0 I Stock anti Unrivalled Assortment ot CHILDICEN's Mr Ihoutes Whalley, Lieerpo 1 0 0 and PIXAEOLZES, minas a now ttyle, sod O. Poirnyn ILeterstsh'u Subectiptioos of So and under-- IIO Labe. havieg misfit Stays can have them altered. Subset Iptions are new due, and may be paid to the or new,ean bare them earthaaged on moderate Basking Company; be Mr. Robert Berland.

terms. Ali Mays made al this Establishment. Southport; or to Robert Miemleley. be Use Iron can, or any other substitute 3146111111. I 06 1 tor whetstone.

POSSIOSOLS welted to any amigo remuired. Home. made Wool Sums, la great variety, trout 3s. Ida mois el wirll2 102, BOLD-SIM F.T, LIVERPOOL. MADEIRA EMBROIDERY Peter Batt Ott, Acmefl see seesereet6 e(leel Rich and Fashionable OKICAt vaasirrr.



ADO Place. MAT whetter, latporta of Balla Wools, WtLEN4M FANCY LEATHER IeAGIS AND MIMES. Dealer io ENGLIINI sod SCOTCH WOOLS awl tigNERAL ANIALLWAgaII MRS. if. J.

Manila Nsavastarer, Ana's nava. Ikanlntaarr. aiid 6. LONDOiI aTISST, 110IMIPOnT. Sill ditto Is to U.

64. Unabtothaa Muds to 1nd07.14,-erverad. and Ilerawni. CI XS llMasistidat Kaattaetzrers. A WEDDINti OUIIITS.

Ossoripew sod Prices, mil frau by Iv.t. SCOTT lu2, Ilulklootroet. Liverpool liadaelething Xuatsdaras. A DIES FOSEIGN OUTFITS Denerlptive List P. Wit and Irv.

by ran SCOTT $.. lu2. Liverpool. THE "OSBORNE." xs WArk.1:1•1:001 CLOAK IT la made very fall In the WM, with large ekber nr by or( COrd twerls drawn it. wrist.

hi It a pray and Is perfectly waterl.rnol. Ilaarfa.turinl cooly by SiIELLMID AM) HODGSON, Ifs SMAWL AXI. MAWILII WAtaknol'alt, 40, 1144.14-arasar, Ltvgar.o.- ntrJ4 Re ANDERSON AND SONS Have the rioasure intimate that their NEW FAMILY MOURNING, BILK AND MILLINERY DEPARTMENT, IS Now OPEN. ID the vision. Brandies will be ford.

nw only THE RICHLNT GuOUs, ALL THE NLW AND EASIifiNABLE SHAPE LADIES SILK JACKETS AND MANTLES, BONNETS, HA CAI'S, I bUITAULE Nig THE PRESLS SEAStA. rout OSOSISS BAKES SWING iIACHJU COXYAIiIf hereby awe public wales that Um CAXIALLSO tha AGENCY for Oulu brim. Mid by tawroN WILSON and CO. uM MN es MPS be applied with any of theft tuathiuwa. The Woe awl Solerootua of the Gouipoo aro how witabilahedN US, Seeetit-atreet, Lottouu, sod Sold-rtreet, Liverpool We Spots for Southport wad the aloha'', StIOTSISOYD, SOX, Go.

SS kaolell Foster's Patent Stone Filter Manufactory, WU I JiIIIN 5110. LT, LI iARIOOL. 111111.11 50. 5, ii, Tu STILIZT. 1114 C.

UILLIIMANI) 00. CHEMICAL FOOD, SSIPOUND SYRUP OF IRON PHOSPHATIC 1.1 11111.1111A.1y Wyly 11 1 kis oot troettr a nsoody C. 4 4 0 1410 0. awl 3t, fostg ro. hot lietrh.n.

Estehlostred NO' rhino. General wttiti4 IS'S I.l.oeKb.—A. Inirstrated 1.11 1 tryesois vs, ra ..11 1 )1. VlOlll 1111.14 day rA: sal.ily otoor slat wifornle 1141. fl.

ut swots' the vartorra el oforlth. pot tree foe poser. loth a toeing el strength. vh.wri, clucks parked 1,. ol and nerd I "4 olitel the patient 1.4..

1. 1 11 11 pert of the Cooed hoodoo 1144 3f, sliesseeturniel; digestion 1.. invyforistr the appetite Lorlgete.hlll. wonderhillyi the buisohi le renie I I I I tau. troy, .1.110118 111111 torrent; Frofifto3ll3 C1.04.31.5.—J.

W. thereon sill be glad Ito rrogli no lC mild 0 calm proloond they ammo hosish estroeses and hor every 111 10 114 patient asid Tepalf tl.ll flkllll ll deampsiosar oseliereiesponiellyratlrtstral Os, whit, the perspirstanie diminish or Old pilbiliseks. times on any number 01 c. sore altogether; the raps the lope sad hstabhthed asp. red, the 9e.

briOner. shoslug the stupor Omer or the ut the phosphates spa the uggaim 41 etritios. ROSOES descriptive pamphlet on Prepared awl ..41 by D. Berr7. a variety orinfonnation.

Liverpool, in WOOS at la 6d-, 'adpat fres fte one Ormonx. watch and Ina each. clock maker to 1E6.11 the Prinood aablisnsd Wales, 33 and W. WALLIS, CiwwlW. he Mc nr a ilie slat NIPS MH.

1 rRkK, DETIST, 1.:. us TERRACE, LeND ritivia. ei .129 .1. 1:1 LebOtkalat 111 11 1. 1.

1 SC SI IC EIO IC, 1 c. lUET. SuUTHPORT. qoa Union Investment Company Limited, 3, MAIIIS.9 LO IX AXS, from to "ot Moo, oo moi rmeal doritstiforreates.4 MOSSY Linen' Oi ii a Sold or rhill Witehes. ell" bating, sod all 4115551.4i00s ot vabeille porlalio peperty, by SAWS FA URST SONS, ribirobrokors, bilversoiths, Jewellero, 1 45 sad 47, tif.

ANNE-STILE ET, IbLINGION UTiltrWL. Goootry lotion promptly Wooded to, It IL mama Prima (Oes fug.iM tran c. 13 4,1 Ttilof Proof Sofro. Mince. Ewa ACCIDENTS TO LITZ OR LIMB, IN Use FIELD.

the raltb.ElB, ar at 110 11 ProvekJ for try a Pollee or the Railway Passeagers' Assumes Compaay, 64, CONNIIILL, HAS PAID Foit Cum. ease el' Death, ar Ai per elide laid op by Injury. Bleared By ma Avowal Al V. lb sa. For Partbeatare apply to the Clarke the Railway 'itatioer, to the LACJI Ayersta, ar at tbe 44.

10, bo.ase-Initattr. WILLIAM J. AGENT roa amehroar MIL J. NOMUIS, RAILWAY bTATII IN. Venetian Minds NAPE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE MT 1300THROTD.

SON. At Nlanut.3o•7. efiplei The Original and Genuine Noes Bouquet Hl dulughtful Prefonur thp same Mat Po celPhr ty by W. bertprr fur the late 4441 be le. Pah Apats Ikon.

JaW bBUItY WINSI)i, Market- West, Mascitaisr. JA TURNEf; 1. net IL 1 4 lik. iJOHNSON AT THE VISIT ER OFFIC LORD-STRUT. 41, 44, Asp 46, BOLD-STRE- ET, LIVERPOOL Special atteatioa is paid to all orders.

A Imps staff of iirstecisss workmen as recently FUNERALS COMPLETE- LY FURNISHED. and Proof Mudd. and Cala Ira) be 13-4 am I relied upon. I ()ee lloorrfron St. 7.30 daily.ezrert Sarrirdny 04r clew, at Owe erlork WHT PAY MORE? Ono good Wool Iltd Ilse good Wool holbor TWO good Wool Pllkors commit (105 Le.t Od.

'lOu Largt CASH fou Logo Novas Quo Lugo WHOLLiALE CAKPLI, BLOM NG, A OILCLOTH WAULIII. Noe. IS, 17. 111, SIX Douse Paoli rile Calif May AL Am sormg. Nom Enna.

Height 11. E. r. I. N.

E. F. I. I 11 A 14 9 a 17 0 IS 41 II I 1 I 1 IS II 11 1 47 I 14 I 111 14 11 3 ft 1 A 14 5 Led Qsarts BEDE CLAD, M3 LI st ridey, II ftturday. 13 114te4ay, 14 11 71 Way.

Wshaiday 17 Thanday. is QUESTION AND ANSWZR. How is it that the HES Man as toil tbrir OILCLOI HS Ow lbws tha3 "by other Establishto lit in Liverpool? Boom. tiny every deserlpOos I 4f LOIIIII end EL04)14 CIA oI Hs 311 noece, whereas other essobltsb- ANswER went' sell only Tom pattern; thereby the customer loses WI ikaot 121 per natestodlwie profit, 'Lis au lIIIIIININIMI SUM e. OILCLOTHS Irons i yartl to yards wile varruad CsUti'lab.

SEueiriaoti, oud 111.1)1,110. sourtsruat CONVALLICIDIT HIM4PITAL AND NIA-SATINISANJ 'imam Amy. MAT 11, Patients satadthist Total number led this Honorary Medical Dr. )leNicull. Pr.

G. B. 4004., acid M. Crari-a. A.

Slalker. blaster, N.q. GAtiAIfLL, elisinsaa. 14, it N. CLAstllit, Dessifises of old lions br ony lin.

M. 17. mstr 17. PARADISLNMIT, (iessfrwtaarr ums), Liviutrooa. 13 A' WWI LESSONb frint btINDAY, Mar II revorso AITKIPI IkASTRI4 M.VhlUlMLashos.—lhost.

L. tud Iwor 12 livesisg-14 7: tad low IS White sad Snag Testa. I HT sKUWW aWLIAI. TOOTH ti PAN vthe4 by IS years ezpertesee, aa the let.t ye par dam extant. foe Cleatttng and the Teeth and Gams.

Prepared aetely by MICH stow N. Chemists, Ust hoist rret, Id to NO at Is. tee Noble .1,2 at the PTUIII IOf S. awl by miens Vindiclootit Catlett Ktarattaut. the 17.14 obit Pare Aerated Waters.


the Pula.) are particularly resareted that efrry Cork brassiest Etas and Ituthiu," whiels hose is reit ttttt e. )inv les 01.taia...1 tr s. all 4 Confemoon. and llotel.korpers; sail tt bsissals only. (mai V.

Flllll6 Sm. Lathan, horth Wales. Agmtt. W. C.

Ja.ksou, IV, straet. Liverpool, mho rill stisidy the trade at W. WAI.TEILS, 94, eitoes.e MANCHI.STLII. 1114 Piit PLIOIAN I GRAM ft: ie no a.v kdeJ by en impel kl jeeker t-i be the t.t hol re the public kr Mr sorts or pante mid prITIW routs, garden warsherne Geom. Are and waterproof dm no.

l'Atent ICS mi I rNi- CBE I. fur cellar doors I. No hailer be Woe it, as lii oniy duodoris nig seater's! fur lluuronit in the AI a ASPkiALTINI.I done on an improved plinonf.e. toy ftot In HOW. and Horan g.

prevented and eared by patent Impala a Spar, Lnne.tums. Gravel, and an salt matertal for ornamental awl or4lntary ro.d maniac filtatTnot.l ore lilac Black. nal kat tog I ilea. 6artien Wont, and eviry deugn in ilea. nod nannnty fienevel Bean Coolest.

toe sad Lam! brumes Sian. ambler. Frietam the Improved Isitotig. LVLET DISORIPTION GENERAL PRINTING, INCLUDING INVOICES. CIRCULARS.


leen Mints lames Illarlamba- street, opts every Friday Miansaw" time Throe i. Fwir, mod vary hider 11, ism to Ibt wwk.l: SOUTH PaNNT alai Hall. (loath entrooler, Oaff tha 1 0114.0 MAIM). Oral all 111..1111111,. 10.

ott, May 01:11, 100., 31 lootItoolsoo 0-or ormoo: port! to, 11, atirao 10 lii .1...1111111.111 1,. I ISt wrok--Erodench woo, loon. E.g. at It, Mou d. .1,, Tllll ARClllar i 410E1 or Fooomrsti Owitig to the increase in his eetterai pr.ietiee Lit.

Scowcruft bas resigned 12., stip ototo li as surgeon to the Furertei of Southport. and an Monthly Isod. at a nieetiag of the Court, Dr. Elias was electi sl II 'lke I. ter gentleman, while partner truth 1)r.

Seoweroft, bail considerable experience in etionectiou with the Southport sad his reeent appoistisout is regarded by tbs. with Fat saustwitios. Is 4 IS II 15 4 14 6 13 4 ISO Tll NI. hirio'VLMOXT SMOiDIII THR01" 1 -It expected Mist this Itill would efin Ciensaittee ..1 Hr. Boum nit Car tr.

We Mr. Ikee.l:. 110,115 s-u. sod we had hoped to be at ye ha ri prepeergi sr. me to fe 4.

eh our readers with a resort sit Hotel on the body e. JIM' lA. Aniesheeet Not if at me. today. 11 have reveille A.

0 ea free. however, to the effect that I 4 the froire. day at his kgript robe. et Mk leas, etr allak ey the has not yet been 'ken. but that I 17.

1 el'Phseed hi the l'rers Ind I' isp evidc-re of hi. that lb ho 11. Will probably be considered toolay, no it is ee p. am, tea Is. 1.411•1111 i ooe High.

Ardwiek, 11. I I next the list to the Bill thst was before 141 The Bedew of ids mime. WAY Mil knees Friday av lie so the Committee yesterday. AmMomms. is it leas Int animal to do.

fur aw ll na ay a ATTIDIPTIID DtRINIO DELIRIUM impose of hooking she. hi. bins (WM As he eteatsd 6 Tian farmer, named Slaw, residing Aid see Mont os Monday. ane she had heard the he hist ale Ii hem nisporimee ct te dr awe at Prenton, near Birkenhead. during fit of ellebini burn.

abs went te Agitates Tuesday preae et mew sad ismsd. dennt ite tremens, au ueatlay evening at' nesinell eel heard that he had slier, us beea re the eimminee is his tempted et tempted to drown himself in the Nlermy. Ile Mete" day- While see wee at Ashom she me meek eel the mends sg hlelledf to had waded into the river and was floundering rh is cle a te th ig kum mon i 3 it lafoislug aid rem" at aft al thu ie about up to his neck in the water, wises saw 6...1 I at Slur sae a at Th have give" much au is Ileeldenamd men, who went Iron Trantuere Ferry is Am wer se i erterriee to teirearmem md uloei ke the os i ntr whiefthe has earned me boat, seized him, and with great difficulty ie them seeks hs eery teeeh indaideri II 04 eel lIIMMer assume. fled in pettiest him on board, as he in his drinking habits. taking tidally brandy.

Pueadara 4l har, elk le awe violently resisted all efforts to remise him. Ile said that he was hied in his owititierv, tail Dever a i aaa art was brought before the Birkenhead magistrates neward to be afire td Itllll4 pilau of Owl Wadk seder the Mamma of drink. lael never mmtie alah a a ime a aaaala tcree ee da eh ee on Wednesday, and remanded. Teta Prtealea'a lewd bun w'T "Phis; that would lend her to Hwes. fte se es mem saw as that meant to Mar dhe li ftriledes.ll the Liverpool County Court, ove mei fessdellem thst lap ege Mem of noibing is bi.

either is bunko. ee an order was node upon Mr. Trescy, eet it Sly great set emitted. them eke hem sesemed dela Se Iss secretary el St. Patrick's Burial Society, to Mi.

he, Ilauftiel Of ye. re said Milan. sbjvct fund the sumo( £7477. which, it was ailed'''. that he bad known the domed kW lIIIIIreI www Ihn i was due from hint to the et ciety.

An applies. ha had often mayed at their home when he veiled of ell tion for en order to compel the president, the Dwathport. Du Monday et enMg last. about half. "'et eel am la" Iledbory Key.

Mr. Phelan, to retusd the sum of L6s, post i ne, he mem and asked i a a ij have ss mix os it i ke was not granted. A declaration was mada had. They uttered him something to eat but he me sew is tise ch.s. al be I the court to the effect that the other would sot take it.

after he 4-implanted of a ants were not legally appointed as emonittee. i lo bs ia go. tbe an I saiduebe thought i.e lo us tted r.mi an et hos ef is usi that alkokinave seen sod trustees of the society, and that the expulsion of the plaintiff in the 'altollanihm. He wa rl i sar. exisproltended.

acted nem mad nmell Ile returned home agars at shoat ha nountes to eh of God. He um olos use. was illegal. ax eleven and was then squids foreard They again to gos or llentv re Lim 1.1.1 but he would oat Mks it, bat said while A meedet he bo an maned crater delivered a lecture in the Town be wood i bed. They ear not hi ng mem toks the leseimie ter pa id Had, on Wednesday evening, on John between haF.peet seven and e.glit the watthiwbeiwbetwa7tnawdrs sePoletwa te Wycliffe.

Rev. A. M. malker in the chair nest moreiog. when they meld beer hi ere.h, we believe, s.bitteeT essisidy Ifeefeenas weisii.

Having gives brief sketch of the life and moi uii about in hie bedroom. Soon AI: 111 m9 em i am lee me uhisk character of the great reformer, Mr. Vinceat mete etoestne dismal mese and called owt Ob. he regards a. pourlisyrd, in bus own happy and effective OW tbe Wade'.

weal lifolhle a ea 8 5 11 manner the manifold lemons to be learnt from fe tmell' i get 4 the meet esa et te I. -7esidsassismos pi at the teachings and doings which were proinineet loupe the Uttar. cwiDtiteve el Lbe dam mi awed Moe se iii the life of John Wyclide, ard which bare ted week the shut, is Mamma In ea ing that in all aver hence his day benefit tvil this country and 4 em 11 Le a but i.ot e. r. reed re U.

leaks of the Worse. mak me the world. lie epevially 'hutted how the teirem hen he gulls ll l2 l- 1 al Pi rift eels follies and ebominat oh the Itotnati Catholic eaea sa id ada a th i dome get a mem isv raps. is in he Church were exposed awl denounced by the otonmeb pante! When sane. opened the dust, Weaken amiss Ma, is sompestee hem Wormer.

feat I. an unduct, animated by lk. Seger. who had bern by Mrs. Hadfield.

(sly slightly lull, sad it le dualwed Ispoushetham Woos faith. and characterimol by great per. Wag muting up the Deceased solo sated the Eeet i vireask il, like the wrigameg Vann el the Nee wealth marked liim out as one of the I be bad take andn, ahe replied, Porees. 1 t.b.L es eerCuresPee esss 7 eo world's gieateot heme. Th.

sio licsie, which ioia I. in nmrr to Dr. Peeler. gj i 7 eisomeic was trot no large as either the lecturer or hi. said he bed 'eke.

mu. IL The a lue repeatedly expresaial rhd ez tro it oust, oul he y'r are lbs wbish assimm ftr awbir d. re the pleasure with win and ski winch ihny listened to Mr 0 4. al ine e. derea. d. d. is eieg ems in mu now a. imembi puma VineenCi eloquent le-cumin-Last evening Mr. tunA the a awdtiat howl was fm 4.

Vineitd addrism.l Imes an4l delighte ere Is mel e( poisonous is is, bet mole on Phiemeraphic Sketches oh ome I paper wds om ruple we hate known." is delineating the crunitt 41 sp. true of wt.i. In coomitsed label, of various rep emntatives of mailed IMMon. titmice made by different elamee the lecturer Dot only amused Situ tee. his be be his clever and lire-like Dr.

Stew said, when lie first saw dm rirture occan 'i mini i nf ider ib v7i i idiai Yner st ailin if irld Lv in't ic i e. what he r.pectally to young awn awl women, nu to I 1 tat mg said Dawes el ciar.cter and conduct shirk lit aid this atdad ealiinit true refinement and tend to snake life ii must wow who told happy. u.ehiil. and honoured. Throughost bei that Is 14as kip ii be g.A in be found the teeters many glorious seed-thmighta were that wanan.

0,, Lxi united introduced, the tendency Of which, if acted AD A as 1..4 6 ..11 by Map Iminefshich upon. would be to clinic and elevate. A vote is oappoted to be an isignati or is is' st of the of thanks. priipused by Mr. (ireen.

the chair- venom lie had no dou death man, was enthusiastically earri.ol, and we ass caused by bikini: die lo." 00 haJ bees earnmitly bepe that the esteemed lecturer will is she Pals abush 4 emit leolislelY able to favour es with 'bother visit cone 4." is 1 h'ent. before loog. Aker the Carole had Mietly summed t.p, the jury reversed verdict of Tea crux rottaa Lain Ix Cu-The man, Joke 3lartos, who motet arising from habitual drunkenrws." charged with having committed grave smash upon a young hely, named, daughter of John Lee, brewer, of Mid ileton, who hail hired kis cab at near Niarichreter, wa, brought up for eavuvination I t.ore 'be magic. 011 'I be proa pr having rillien in the prisoner's no the instant, when alter a time the man, who was iutoxicated, having arranges for it friend to take his place tin th: toot got into the rib, mad attempted to take Wee bliertiee with the prumetatrit which eonmituterl the charged. A gentlemao's servant, heavies her cries.

ultimately 'misted her to escape from the c.d. A wool -11, itesseJ Lilley, described as barmaid, was called witting We the defence. his woman mserted that the prem. estnx had mine into the publiehouse at which witness worked aml bad drunk rime wise with the pismire, 'he being at the time anything but enber. The stipeodiary magistrate.

Mr erafforil eentenced the pemotwo to six nenstlue inipritotimeni with bard labour: king 0CUA.1..11 to exprem his tlisheliel of the evidence t. wheeled by the ernatea Tolley Ilottatua Sctctoa remoras I) -A ease of oelf-destrnethw, attended with circumstances of a peculiarly revolting nature, took place on Tuesday in Liverpool. David Archibald. a labourer. 17 years of ace, in No.

1 Court. greet, Christmas last had indu god in habits of intoxicatios whesever he mule procure the means of purchtring drink, and. at was baieteil, had stiffened from dairies tresues. Shortly before nem the infatuated man proeurdel a ruor and indicted (rim litre: wound upoo his neck, and afterwards drew the razor across his abdomen, causing a hortible gash, Dom which his intestines protruded. A portion of these the wretemd creature Prised, and tearing them sway from his mels, threw the pieties epos she floor.

his wife smiler him with the ramie in hie hand interfered to prevent these sickening mutilatioas, but in this she did sot moved, and in the struggle which took place she Was ightfully cut ebout the bands was procured, and the wound-v 1 man was conveyed to the Northern Illopittl. but 5.1.• we, the saterre of his lajunes, that be ill, .1 about two o'clock. 3 110IITHP091 PZITY BNNIONS. MONDAY. Itagidirates fluke 11.

Eel. J. E. 5. Wood.

R. hi Wl.lll 1.64, awl J. Li Dlit NIL tufted Kerr gal I John Human, mere lifted 5. 1.1. having Iwo tad Swim 4qt the Sid eat mit to Hilt.

ft coda driver. a.i.lnJ 2.. 6.1 and OMP how it bat a ar.reo ii, bark Aby lilted 10a awl Milt. and lou ing oorked two duoke)e, each of which bad large on its shoulders Aa.nti.T II ikm.untim.— Meaty lloward. Behett Mown.

and Jolts Brows, wen eharged situ. haiteig is-malted Joseph brichlager. on thc 2911. ult. Mr.

Iligginhotmat appeared for the roiecation. the esidenee tit she cosislaionot and hi. it pp ..4 is th ihretetint no Lou while lie Won watering his ii hco they ortiol, end is anted him to mine toil awl light, the an Browns being e.pecially vuoicid. At length Jtion Ilrown went so la aa to enter the garden and :drits.e the complainant. and Hohert liruo n.

his inpiml to the same. and afterwanls complainant wall ms the gdrsten and fought with John RIVAL Witutesca were edited to disprove this crodenea. but none of them hail semi toe tviumencemeat the tow. The Itencli fined John Brown sad in dcfrali. days' isapriisonnents Itolteit Brown, li', add costa, in default, semis impriomment; and who it vas evident had it no umive part in the affair, was dismoord.

ROW 'l2l 00111RDSRA2I LAMS An TO SI 'll3llllO. IPr. Ohm James. on die Seth MIL received it loyel tam from wanes which had I the Confetereem. sod in reply ii their remarked that-- Is sod they had woo through similar soferintra bat great as those seder- Mgt they ihould nut lorry say but temparma 0.1 rce.

Ile be knew that joist en MGM mercy. Ihr had learned that and be has also learned that it was eine Ifer pe to understood thin trim was set mem old. mice is ia eh oue party mismidied over owl the Wier 1111(d. IS le de hiders ei once. though since the days af oar peiple erector oblivious of do liar Ile htd been mensel of be toe lenient libel hot lug wawa sad he bed learn.

I that cleaseuey aught be innatice. It had even teen by one skilktl is treason that when traitor. Ipeime aunterous esosib trams brownie tele, lades and to become hake, wee to cow' Ow. portico of the 101541204ey of the country. sow say tiod loam the country tram web an aristocracy Ile repeated.

do Janice; the onamiess Melt ant to the obis they hal dwi teed of drives into 1. They tried to eaurd.r ration; if they 1.41 summated. the life ot the maim would beta reit kola K. tie I.lla iuMbaee been teem ad. Ihe e.oviteti...

treason. and 11.1er sisal deriultioo it sequired so mamas to a. hol Ivy's or were 1: 4 4(4M Ile believed they could ad KM nears to their duet law and oilier swami saes be seared. and t. banner ist the COl4lllll again every web of terra ry within the ores if the remit Awl thetkilt ties and Site Pic.ident on, his reply siva Wie waaratios to all that he Its has duty tally." FRIGHTFUL STRARBOAT DISASTLL oUitTEEN HUNDRED It.f.rmstset has been reo teed the ex! 1 toe of tile after balmas by etsch Istst byes lure ben ClCTlfiCtti.

I Air arrayed at Vick.barg from New Otiose. hI er akmit laal.y. remaitred theta 30 boar, rrtiarror. tang au bused 1996 Faithel aI.J 35 released finis the Cabal Its atol tt.e Aim loom, At erri.el at Ibinithis on the stetting of the 27th. Auer eNekle-g itrucevdr.t.

Iwo vest mooting. whea metro saslat op. hew op, cad tawasdiately took foe and borne, so tho aster's edge. Of 2luti souls oe ant. 11.4 moot thaa 700 sill be reeuseradt Soo were r.aeste‘t, "ad ant sow to hospital; 200 or SOO moo .1 are at the HoAlle.

Capita Mason, of eoltania. is supposed to I. Al hair o'clock la the woroiag the met in from: of Ilesophis was covert 1 with I li re struggitai life, sooty of theta bay sealthd. 8008 lA. nediately swot to the sod were tagged he a holt tow in picking this up.

General W.lddburne 110 diezelv orgaaised hoed of Leer, to inseotgate the affair. The Maws lekgreatli Whilst iip strainer war SOO paid Fosral a. Wier, ou board. was war 111,140.1, al too et. yeaterday morreies (April 20).

to boders exploded. kitties ar bitssriag warbo.ird a mat ariaker of her pasasogats. thily Sou ol all who wets cia bard are tam is love is arA 1 800 IRS 11011911 FOR AINIABBDITING NB LINCOLN. htllos tog i. than tIU Tonal' Loser at nt Lengthy though the rel.

et. rownseand with the of Mr. I.itte.ln have hem not hren a s.w.l either by way a or as nuttier of feet. as to the swig 4 C.WIld ouvellni John Wel It web let ti.a.e elt hi the few ful Trott of tanking dram ti. height of hi.

intffikatioo twee the vieterks Use paw trw inototie, the of the Combed barely outwitting utast hate bees known of dr am by the st Wa.hingtugh 'bre be hail vein as much 01 hi. lit. allil SO ea 44 it.c over mascot. fhlla arid be rand Is au b. 1100thr The regain hint weir; hut C.lO aktiCi.llt, 111:1414 bribu ANo ill It It Aga i Smith was (laid Olorkr 01 Piller" Y.

lt ebb with tossultinc Br, ci Ssepeglee She acesseis to his iwiefllthi Manhole. Mr Iliggiohnocni in want gems to lie ila She soiflisoa. lp its i lied or il hl i ir 'Lek with is er i gassual by a elsiao to kuo.le•lce ow the rubjeet that lluuth is ma Wag 1111141 0 1.16,1 of the twitter had I.ww twil. tvast a the I earl" book .116 s(is ni tZlis i i ri7va ii p7s7n i 'nine 711. i i I'l 1.1441'1: 111 he ant 1 ea it the nook, ease.

WA twat he implied .4 the itohou it trot h.gwe to drioh. nod awl isiostrala I. lei Was wrought up I. SW ,1 the who hal again 01,14 6 4 11 4 Partia lY 1 4. 1 4114 b.

mons si hiai. Le eh, Ily with a row, le gessini him reit ft, It is reckle.s, dewy. fol'i aware. wail ort ul the house. Bench najoscand ik, 6 th sod wittily tu the sea lot in 1 -r allow ilos4wPswiaas limo b.

the Snot of peg. 4sl motive' 1,1 ielog I f. to promised Ow I NI he it will he a 11 1.. I toll," 11,. 4 dm.

of lbw reestsetalve 44,, tuna Sr pewomor kept hi. .1 so aro gay sib 1 I bed Ike costs of 1,,,,, 1 z. a sal.alliwa•isiis Is. LUIPWII bali would re-tosoidet :114. issx is II A I.

W. aaHlaa.pan .5 1.. 1 a "MI ali poniehment. boa dare us he A. 11' 11 1 1C1 10111 Wirrim 4 4.4 1 hua 14.41 0f.1..n.

lln he 1,4, fw Mirk 1 4 I icor: tie 4,1 41. lanai thll4ll 11.1114 Who gieuie.loo -01 .14.11 11 11.t. 1 sod Who did out epee A VIILIATION Miff Was payed 11 WI 812 the are Wars e. lame lessale. "the Sulk It reps mil Wor Wqp.

Sr reggae be So gift I LNis I Nrll mo IND W. Sr laba es I sod boom lin WWI et 16.0• 4 Nerl4llllllll or Wasea.4•4 li INN ND mash Imolai JOHN mr. No. 127. LOItOSIHEEI', TIIP iIT (N Starmeria EATTfI, DONDLD, AND CAP NAKED.

Ladles' sad Fdt I Trimmed Fah II .1. and 1 4 ales 04- Slowed I (6 7111 ALTI, Eremakas, ii. MKINISAML roan JOSH. ASHTON SONS, NODDED'S PATENT HATS. Timo lame Stock so O.

B. WHOLES CO. 23, LONDON-STREET. May 711, seed se ytw" lll it Elko May lib. aril I pew and 3 litciturl, son of Mr Jobs 3steee, elearrehiown May Sib, ard GI years, Mary, wile of Mr.

Titans, Mealay, LawiSeireee. May Ids, seed I year sod 10 assaebs. Albert LlwarJ, OM et leavienirap-Mase May kb, aged Nessibejlearama of Mr. Lawmner Abram, AMERICA. SURRENDER OF GENERAL JOHNSTONE AND THE CONFEDERATE The arm some belsias.

Capt. Wybe. er a Portland is the Mb Skim his ellesele Mr Mirth is tbe 15th his eurassisred the Sorra; seder his lesses. mealiniert all Ism his. I.

the asualmeine. is the bid. peed is totem spelt awl Lee tit the way 04 Ncethera Tamar Posh se to sh rwesie saes. likmemmit trea mend wee any sereadilly operant( ram the Ofedelemare Is Weems licorth Condensed sash Mesas Venda. A4sire.

tor Newton ore that Greed der. rose erleinnered to Mein as aamy re per seissies is Mr. Dare med Oshel Loelleime leaders to isms the emery. This wis named by Gem Moodie( to the Medi she hem brJshauus. aselode tha emirs eil Car low.

ei4r.S. 54 Florida. led the tagellaz with these mossn. Iteetwant-seettah. SO eseeweletteish.

set is saga her-irewerels The wily Leafederatt cek DOW ia us CM are Kirby truth mid aim I. reported that Dick Taylor is wry te sermita hi sty no Cathy. if koeszak ems is. reet.4. hi.

110.01100111 tram 114. Laois Mt the mars it TallllBllll awl Isbelty's sesmosie. him rots IS.MI mos. an as Fereshesse. Asiasuis posproga Meth Nilreal.

Wawa! Mesa Fero is eseasidallyeserasies is the Mem it Isere Cr OM Grimm the rimmed Mass it Crthasses NM series lima hue buss Mist by ales ut ah. war Deperseesst. Lewis Piths bee bra armesi at Mrs. Ileeratt's here. sod is vow Is serrassum He is eared is he the peers assispri the We Mr Smart Mort 111 MU Si The Kew Feed Herold aims this the these.

empress hare beim sereed totems LAM per day tem sterrember. The Isereery sit Mar his wand is issesbate sod meries emessilmot to the (awesome' otellieetespesses.y The ceramist Milers is lasegetete. sad whe I.e. be. preosers el oar ais is fuelearb or es pistils sod Marrs I.

she resisever comme. will be imehatcy arid hemerabie iliesharsed. has recant" as 1r Mt Jethro' Davie sad sumpreett a rashest Omit It cis hatierd Shea souki be uncreepool Ware nachos; the litmentide Kiser. The Nay 104 Herald the smamese pawns are impleseel Ii piesord this it we aatasemed sad meld by the Drithessi testers. The sane journal ems this Illemid his sire Mr Semi med bis sem are seedily immith.

Frostiest Jammu his appeired lose let No seed of May Nei se Ase of hoelisties is mouse at Lisesials TIM aresialos et she Chasher et Camste WNW a suporpmesdapj miss the Dem- Si.ssallesaties dee swoon as Itsvotsah el the reps" Mos by in the saamemeweent suss. Wes beimilsei se the tebct Awesome is manned Waken. it tunes the laweremest to the rigid of Enema "say is the emeneesheeswy Oesielmnie issismelnienee art monad to te porodes estshse rid isto Veressit. wsi prepmessime ass bthri lemns we the keens h. Pepsi is Isterles.

OZEZCZ. Missh for the mom armortillity yawed. i Orem revoletthary eseesisest ie sod to be aminfissed. es mom is Atha Met should the Kies Mod ithemitt pessed he s.stdi Salm refuse as rani a Writhe yawl at war. llama is plena possmedy is ha disposal in (414 The Erg returued to Admit is the Soh trim hie smar dreugh the prof sem.

ilis sue sib a taastackey renown Jes-110 kao RUSSIA. Gemerel litioraveis. the hat-ots dowetwe of the women prostwes. has bore retool is ha dewe. sad ha.

bees use Jed ha the 14 taeopal on the sat ale, i.c 15.11 leo alto Akin is the ,9 wemeat. TEE WAN, 1111 ZEALAND. Mismousell. IP vulgar) wassice be biew Zealast a. alachaagol.

mei shat the Woftilo hniensit ars Orneriest. OWeeeen is at Pals lints limy aid the hen Aka bate ocreadeted. (j penal Iherlly has brae thews es lives hie bane used eshused a Inetwor, of the collar bier The evelakeate maim Ober Moak maws IMI the COWL No capers have lessa aumeemf.i. THE RIIIMAJI inumact The Jeered de Si. PESOrgeng pelihthea the follearteg men.

ettpareleg the ertheste is is. la the Ina ileie ism the hue of Wet hml mewhierablys period it the beeolseszt i viiiligeruir theadmitagest is the werL Aro arm the herisde it the moral weer rate sissehdr his shh fees mat he mthihred ha the thus SIM it mimes The MOO aims sase-rwed that theme the ths seal ed Athens. at rehiring irrir. sal cieber nerd ban dwelt talleeesiess awes tbs seedy -itmsed ilemiedre. thin is MN eased' is the bemeeedos sod is 'MAIM is the etbeetwite this hor Ws ands Is err ware.

is miserably lthes imat it sod lid. WS ONO ryes rear. 54 dome eV boa THE SOUTHPORT MAY 12, I MS. I I.

The Southport Visiter from Southport, Merseyside, England (2025)


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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.