My Friend and The Setting Sun collection. | Fandom (2025)

This is basically the Meta Knight drawings, based on his designs throughout the Kirby Games and anime, similar to the Magolor Maina drawing back in last year, unlike Magolor, he hasn't have much of a design change since he usually keeps his design until Smash Bros Brawl and Robobot, and remained the same since, with some effects changing by the Galaxia into Forgotten Land and Return to Dreamland Deluxe, other than that, he is very consistent about designs, which cannot be say by King Dedede. Anyhow, let's get into it.

My Friend and The Setting Sun collection. | Fandom (1)

The design is a mix of his spirit from Kirby's Adventure and artwork from Kirby's Adventure. This is the first time where the strange character first appears, going by no name at the time until Kirby's Avalanche, which is a long time for this character not to have a name. This character is strange, being picked by His Royal Nemesis: King Dedede, for keeping the last piece of the Star Rod and making sure Kirby doesn't get to it, he also helps Kirby to give the Invincible Candy to him but also sends out his Meta-Knights (totally different, it as a -, like Spider-Man) to attack or train Kirby, strange how this figure works, but when Kirby reaches all of the way to him.

My Friend and The Setting Sun collection. | Fandom (2)

Kirby and the strange figure fight with swords, this fella clearly won't fight without Kirby grabbing the sword to have an honorable duel, both striking blades left and right, but Kirby gains the upper hand in their fight. PS: Ignore the cape, forgot to make it not visible.

My Friend and The Setting Sun collection. | Fandom (3)

Kirby slashes this fella's mask, making it crack slowly but surely.

My Friend and The Setting Sun collection. | Fandom (4)

The mask comes out, revealing that it is... Kirby?! But he is different, and has arms, Kirby is in shock of the fact there's someone who almost look exactly like him, the fella's mask completely breaks.

My Friend and The Setting Sun collection. | Fandom (5)

The strange figure takes out his cape, raps it around him, and teleports away to parts unknown, giving up the last piece of the Star Rod with it, for Kirby to get and go to the Fountain of Dreams.

My Friend and The Setting Sun collection. | Fandom (6)

The next time we see this fella, now calling himself, 'Meta Knight', is in Kirby Super Star, he has a crew who is willing to serve him to his mission, the mission being, revenge on Dreamland, apparently something happened to Meta Knight on Dreamland to exact his revenge on Dreamland for being too lazy, so, he will put to stop to it, by building up a battleship, the Halberd. With it, he can fly with his crew and making sure that Dreamland's lazy life style comes to the end, with notable members of his crew, Capatian Vul, Sailor Waddle Dee (female), and Skull Knight, part of the mention Meta-Knights.

My Friend and The Setting Sun collection. | Fandom (7)

Meta Knight looks at the mirror in anger, ready to exact his revenge, but Kirby will put a stop to that.

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Kirby's arrival prove to be too much even if they have the arms and fire power to take him on, Kirby is too powerful, even he got delayed two times., eventually, the Captain flee after the ship is going down, but the Meta-Knights won't give up so easily, they ambushed Kirby on a 4-1 attack, they fought hard against the Kirb Mightster, but they fall since Kirby is too powerful, with his yoyo ability, he was able to grab and hurt them with his yoyo, and yes that's the Yoyo Ability, since in official artwork, the cap is blue instead of Gray in Kirby Superstar Ultra, and Purple in Star Allies, and Triple Deluxe, hence why Kirby's eyes is also blue, since it's also base on Kirby Superstar's official artwork of Kirby, Axe Knight, Mace Knight, Moon Knight, and uhhh, UFO Knight? are all accounted for, this isc also my first time drawing Captain Vul, and the Meta-Knights.

My Friend and The Setting Sun collection. | Fandom (9)

With the captain leaving, his crew down and left, and his battleship up in flames and going down, he still offers Kirby a sword, but with a enttent to kill Kirby, Kirby inhales the sword as quickly as possible, as Meta Knight points at the sword.

My Friend and The Setting Sun collection. | Fandom (10)

My Friend and The Setting Sun collection. | Fandom (11)

Meta Knight puts his arm at his cape, Kirby then swallows the sword to become:

My Friend and The Setting Sun collection. | Fandom (12)

Sword Kirby, with a different sword to match the design of Superstar's sword design.

My Friend and The Setting Sun collection. | Fandom (13)

Meta Knight jumps into the fray as the battle starts, with a new look, new powers, and new skills, he begins the fight by jumping off from the platform, and grabbing his trustful sword, not called Galaixa, but the Master Sword.

My Friend and The Setting Sun collection. | Fandom (14)

Like their battle from before, both of the blade clash, this battle being more tense and everything is at stake, so this is a serious battle, with everything on the line, who will come on top? Meta Knight has new skills and powers, he won't go down easily.

My Friend and The Setting Sun collection. | Fandom (15)

Despite Meta Knight's new found powers and skill, he was still no match for the powerful foe, and he lands the cutting blow, slashing his mask, and takes off the sword from his hand.

My Friend and The Setting Sun collection. | Fandom (16)

The mask breaks once again.

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Meta Knight's face is revealed again!

My Friend and The Setting Sun collection. | Fandom (18)

They both look at each other, as Meta Knight's face is reveal, Meta Knight's face is based on his face from Superstar, which has white blushes on him, similar to what Kirby's design will look like in Smash Bros 64 and Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards.

My Friend and The Setting Sun collection. | Fandom (19)

Meta Knight takes off from his back, preparing to leave and grab his extra mask, he is not happy about the result of this battle.

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He covers himself like before.

My Friend and The Setting Sun collection. | Fandom (21)

And like before, he raps himself inside of his cape, and teleports away from the battle. But he isn't done just yet.

My Friend and The Setting Sun collection. | Fandom (22)

Once Kirby falls by the missing ground, he gets on a Wheelie, and rides to get out of the Halberd that is going down to the ocean, but Meta Knight is not having any of it, as he got his mask, and teleports next to Kirby, and hovering right next to Kirby and Wheelie, being very, very mad.

My Friend and The Setting Sun collection. | Fandom (23)

Meta Knight gets so mad, he grows out wings from his back. Kirby is shock of this and kinda scared since with his wings, he can keep up with Kirby and Wheelie, he won't let them escape.

My Friend and The Setting Sun collection. | Fandom (24)

Kirby and Wheelie will get pass Meta Knight and escaping off from the falling Halberd, it's just going to be harder than expected, mostly because of a very angry Meta Knight.

My Friend and The Setting Sun collection. | Fandom (25)

Despite Meta Knight's best efforts, Kirby and Wheelie escape, Meta Knight has no choice but to abandon ship, and leaving the Halberd crash into the ocean, as the sun sets upon both of them, Kirby and Wheelie watches the Halberd stinks into the ocean, before heading off as the sun sets. I know I did do all 3 of similar drawings before, but since it was posted via a phone to Chromebook, think as last 3 as a, HD drawing post.

Wanting to work on the Meta Knight drawings more, so stay tuned for that, until then, that's all for now.

My Friend and The Setting Sun collection.  | Fandom (2025)


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.