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Baylan Skoll rollout
Baylan Skoll’s rollout seems to take so long it got me thinking: could it be that CG is actually TESTING him before release? 🤔 What do you think?
Place SWGOH General DiscussionSWGOH General Discussion0cmcj84o3dsv
Seasoned Newcomer
Night Trooper drop rate
Hi Has anyone else noticed a massive fall off on night trooper shards. I am now on day 3, a refresh every day so 600 tokens, 250 crystals and 0 shards, put some enjoyment back in your game CG.
Place SWGOH General DiscussionSWGOH General DiscussionDLeo57
Malachor crate not delivered
Hi! I didn’t get my Malachor red crate prize. There’s no messages in my inbox. Can you guys check that out? Thank you very much. CHICO (Ally code 195-923-523)
Place SWGOH Technical IssuesSWGOH Technical Issuesfranciscodfbraga
Rising Novice
Looking for new members
I’m looking to build my guild up with new members. Currently have 3 members that are on daily and we’re looking to find new friends to join! It doesn’t matter how low or high power you have, any are welcome. The guild is KinoCantina. May the force be with you.
Place SWGOH Guild RecruitmentSWGOH Guild RecruitmentKinokage96
Which ship would you like to see next?
With Punishing One releasing today, I'm curious about which other ships you'd like to see in SWGOH. Could be a regular ship or a capital ship, any ship will do! Be sure to leave your ally code, who knows, maybe someone or someones may get something :)
Place SWGOH General DiscussionSWGOH General DiscussionCG_Meathead
Capital Games Team
Idea: Sabacc and Pazaak
What about having in-game Sabacc and Pazaak to play anytime whilst waiting for the next event, match or shipments to refresh as well as a way to spend the excess credits, tokens and gear? Sabacc and Pazaak are two well-known games in the Star Wars universe with fans having fun times playing them in Outlaws and the Knights of the Old Republic games. It would really help pass the time whilst waiting for events to activate or the shop to refresh. Also, I and many other players have too many credits, ship building material tokens and gear that it feels meaningless having them when there's very few options to spend them. Perhaps you could bet some gear to win certain other gear that you really need or play for characters or ship shards. You could have either the main menu cantina patrons like Garudda, M'ak Nar or Shar to play against, or perhaps even any of the playable Star Wars characters like Lando, Han, Canderous etc with each having their own special abilities. You can maybe also have matches against other players. There is of course the concern that this could constitute as gambling, but as long as you're not spending or winning real-world money and it's played as safe as in Outlaws and Kotor then it should be okay.
Place SWGOH General DiscussionSWGOH General DiscussionSimVelocity
New Traveler
Finally understand the meaning of Mythic events
After all these years, I only just realised what CG mean by a Mythic event 😁 Endor Escalation (as with other Mythic events), have 'possible' rewards, so =may exist or happen, but that is not certain or probable: Compared to my actual rewards (for spending months farming for requirements, levelling up the characters and playing 5 tiers of a almost monthly event) Essentially, one omicron is the only worthwhile reward. Fairly common in my experience, so it is all the best 'possible'rewards that are actually mythical : existing only in the imagination : fictitious, imaginary.
Place SWGOH General DiscussionSWGOH General DiscussionAdzskiEire
Rising Newcomer
All Level Players Recruiting; VERY HIGH GP GUILD.
Place SWGOH Guild RecruitmentSWGOH Guild Recruitmentre0rxue0q6x6
Seasoned Newcomer
Request 1
Dear SWGOH, When a player can have a Guild why are 25 members needed to participate in Territory War? UNLESS YOU REACH TO BOTTOM YOU CAN NOT REACH ON TOP. I am serious and it is not a joke post. Please consider about it. Remove minimum requirements for TW. Give any rewards you like or you can. It is not rewards only it is fun too. Thanks for Territory Battles. At least a ⭐ is possible there. And even consider about that. Even a very less GP only member may secure a ⭐. At least . Regards...
Place SWGOH General DiscussionSWGOH General DiscussionDaniala_taken
New Rookie
Tempered IDS (200m+ GP) Recruiting players of all levels.
'Open to Join' Recruiting Active Members of all Levels. WELCOME all ACTIVE MEMBERS. Guild Name :- Tempered IDS Guild GP :- 200m+ Inquire through discord for Clarification
Place SWGOH Guild RecruitmentSWGOH Guild RecruitmentDaniala_taken
New Rookie
Kiev Last Hope need active players (No Discord Required)
Ukrainian guild opens recruitment of active participants. Doing all new raids, helping each other and chatting:) We will be glad to everyone, English will not be a problem in communication!😊 Our guild 318kk power 44/50 We launch the necessary raids to obtain characters upon request. Let's develop together!💪 Only for active players 5kk+ preferably with at least one legend. We're waiting just for you 😎 Please feel free to write with any questions ✌️
Place SWGOH Guild RecruitmentSWGOH Guild RecruitmentBoleWar
Seasoned Newcomer
I'm so over this game now, this new update is ridiculous. Fleet arena is a complete joke, 3 stars ship that can constantly destroyed 7 stars ship on the first turn. The RNG is completely off, in my area my 7 stars Punishing One gets targeted first constantly and destroyed on the first turn by less powerful ships, characters and mods I literally cannot get a turn. Ppl who farmed capital ship for months, gets instantly killed by ONE lousy ship given away for free. It served no purpose again to farm that ship to 7 stars, this was a complete waste of time and Money, releasing that ship the day I finally get my leviathan was just my luck again. I see NO PURPOSE TO KEEP PLAYING THIS GAME AT THIS POINT, GC JUST ISSUED A BIG FU TO SO MANY PLAYERS. You would think they would test it before releasing something new but after that many years they still haven't learn. DELETE THE APP
Place SWGOH General DiscussionSWGOH General Discussion77932b9b4ced5805
Seasoned Newcomer
Just finished another raid. Still hate it.
I'll say it again, QoL on this raid is absolutely terrible.
Place SWGOH General DiscussionSWGOH General DiscussionMasterSeedy
Seasoned Veteran
LSBs and Nervous Spending
Hello, Anyone else find themselves nervous to buy resources for any character that is over ~1 year old? I feel like LSBs were great for new accounts to get into and invested in the game... I have an LSB account that is less than a year old. The true issue with LSBs are the lack of transparency to how they are going to change over time. For example, I want to start a Bad Batch grind, and would even consider spending for shards/kyro/etc, but the characters are years old at this point and could easily be included in a LSB. This means I could potentially waste hundreds of dollars and I am just not willing to accept that. I think they need to increase the visibility to the plan for LSBs DRAMATICALLY. They should let us know, at least a hint, at what they are targeting for future LSBs. They should let us know if the old ones are going to return. They should give us that transparency so we can make purchases with confidence. I am willing to bet that their bottom-line would increase if their player base had more visibility to their thoughts and ideas for LSB content. Thoughts?
Place SWGOH General DiscussionSWGOH General DiscussionKornby
New Rookie
CG, can this be a QOL add?
So since the beginning of the game basically you get your daily guild 600 towards raid tickets and guild tokens with both basic and cantina energy. I feel it's been long enough to allow us to use also mod and ship energy to count towards these rewards. This way guilds have less to worry about with their players getting their 600 contributions. Plus if some players with their busy lives miss any bonus energy they have to use crystals and they could be saving up those crystals to get a new character, ship, gear etc. I feel this will lessen a worry for players in playing the game. And guilds can less enforce the requirement of 600, since each and all energy counts towards it. Heck of be ok if basic and cantina counts towards a 1 for 1 and ship and mod has to use 2 for 1 energy usage. It'll still help players get that 600 easier than now. I know it's not hard but some players get busy and miss times or they have it max and stop gaining energy until they use some. Am I wrong for suggesting this. Nothing else has to change for the system.
Place SWGOH General DiscussionSWGOH General Discussionordo801st
Rising Rookie
Join TheJediHighCouncil - 235M GP
Open to all level 85! TheJediHighCouncil is a 235 million GP guild of active players, looking for a few more members who are active and will participate in all guild activities (raids, TB, TW). We don't use discord, and there are no requirements besides being active and participating in all guild activities. The guild is set to invite only, so click join in-game, and an officer will review your request. Once you are approved, you will be moved over right away. Here is the link:
Place SWGOH Guild RecruitmentSWGOH Guild RecruitmentHelpful-Crow91
Seasoned Newcomer
Mandolorian Force Hunters 3 Needs you!
Hello all Hope you are well! So we are a Semi competitive guild with an active and engaged community. We are currently going through a guild rebuild after losing some players due to loss of interest in the game or just general personal reasons or looking for a new place in the galaxy. So here’s what we can bring to the holotables! ⭐️ Weekly Raids (Naboo) We are currently Hitting crate Two and are edging closer to Crate 3, We often do things like giveaways to players who hit certain scores just for a bit of fun and to help move numbers up and to help people build accounts! ⭐️ A well structured TW, We have a decent record of 8-4 W/L record over the past three months and hope to continue building that up, We use discord to communicate orders and to all help and advise and set up the Att/Def Phase. ⭐️ Geos Darkside/ Geos light - We are working to move towards ROTE at some point in the future, For now we can earn you some of those sweet KAM/WATT shards to build up those amazing toons! ⭐️ Active and engaged community, Our Guild has a very friendly and fun community who no matter what sticks together, has a laugh and plays the game we love. As mentioned we have lost a few players over time and are looking to bring that number right back up, 22 of our remaining members are sat at 4m GP + so we have a pretty strong group of dedicated players that help eachother out. We also understand life comes first over a game, We ask that you pop a message in the activity and holliday chat so we are aware of any absence. What would we like in return? ⭐️ 1.5M GP minimum - (Exceptions can be made easily depending on roster) Any higher the better, GLs would be appreciated if not then no worries! We would also ask for Geos to be at around 16,500Gp purely for the WATT mission and for the Poggle omicron to be placed on. We don’t do “forced farms” or “Guild farms” With Geos being the only exception. We do advise that Naboo farms are done purely to help get better scores. ⭐️ Discord - We ask that all members use discord to stay in the loop with Guild and game updates. As mentioned we use discord as our main source of communication for various games. Our discord offers a chilled out area for general chat, Well structured and well organised rooms and a personal farms where you can brag and show off the new latest updates to the roster! ⭐️ Activity - 450 Tickets per day minimum - 600 can be scored, Even better! Most Members do hit that Juicy 600 mark, We also ask a clear attempt is made in the raid, and TW and TB are signed up for and completed to the best of your ability. However as mentioned life comes first and sometimes it throws some roadblocks in to make that makes things harder to reach. If tickets or sign ups or deployment for what ever reason are unable to be made again, Just let us know! ⭐️ Have fun - Final thing we ask is you have fun! Just enjoy the game, enjoy the guild and get stuck in with conversations and gameplay! Thank you for taking time to read this it really is appreciated! MTFBWY ❤️
Place SWGOH Guild RecruitmentSWGOH Guild RecruitmentDarthDarkness1
Seasoned Newcomer
Next Jar Jar Event ... In November?
Place SWGOH General DiscussionSWGOH General DiscussionSaintless77
Seasoned Newcomer
New player looking for a active guild.
I am a new player and I am looking for a Guild that is willing to take a lower lvl player. I have low GP 239,732. I have 2 accounts, I get tickets every day. I donate regularly. I am trying to get raid tokens and guild tokens so I can upgrade teams. My other account has 549,061 GP, one is at lvl 77 the other is at 85. MY Ally code is 281-762-677 that is for the lvl 76 account. My other account is in a guild but they are not very active. Will farm a team if I need to.
Place SWGOH Guild RecruitmentSWGOH Guild Recruitmentsilentcyclops
Seasoned Newcomer
Looking for a new guild. Little over 9.2 gp with 4 gl and executor. Working towards leviathan and gungans. Looking for a similar gp guild 400+. Prefer no discord but not set in stone. Just want a laid back guild without a bunch of rules that knows this is just a game. I am active daily and do participate in tw, tb, and taboo raid. Just want a guild with better participation than where I am now. My ally code is 998-682-584. Message me if you think I am a good fit with your guild. Thank you.
Place SWGOH Guild RecruitmentSWGOH Guild RecruitmentCoyscott
Seasoned Newcomer
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